With Diabetes


Diabetes is the result of a deficiency diet consisting in part of white sugar and white flour. It is possible to do the Master Cleanse Diet with Diabetes. The lemonade with molasses is an ideal way to correct this deficiency. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR DOING THE MASTER CLEANSE WITH DIABETES CAREFULLY FOR BEST RESULTS. The molasses supplies the necessary elements for the pancreas to produce insulin. As the necessary elements are supplied to the pancreas, the amount of insulin taken may also be gradually reduced—as an example.

On the first day use a scant tablespoon of the molasses to each glass of lemonade and reduce insulin by about 10 units. Daily from then on reduce the insulin as you increase the molasses to 2 full tablespoons per glass. When this proportion has been reached the insulin can normally be eliminated; then replace the molasses with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup in each glass. Make regular checks of the sugar level in the urine and blood to satisfy you and eliminate any possible fear. Vita Flex and color therapy may be used to advantage to stimulate the liver, pancreas, and spleen and thus insure proper use of the minerals supplied for diabetics. Many people with diabetes have found they no longer have need for insulin after the master cleanse. Diabetics must be sure to follow every detail of the recommended lemonade diet as explained in the following pages.

Blend a part of the lemon skin and pulp with the lemonade in a blender for further cleansing and laxative effect. (Note: commercially procured lemons may have had their skins dyed with yellow coloring and may have been subjected to poisonous insect sprays—be sure to peel off the outer skin if you cannot get uncolored, organically grown lemons.) The properties in the lemon skin also act as a haemostatic to prevent excess bleeding and to prevent clotting internally should there be any such prevailing condition. (Don’t worry—normal conditions will continue during menstrual periods.)

Adding the cayenne pepper is necessary as it breaks up mucus and increases warmth by building the blood for an additional lift. It also adds many of the B and C vitamins to the Lemonade Diet drink.

Mint tea may be used occasionally during the lemonade diet as a pleasant change and to assist further in the lemonade cleansing. Its chlorophyll helps as a purifier, neutralizing many mouth and body odors that are released during the cleansing period. Stanley Burroughs states in his book "The Master Cleanser", that diabetics can do the Master Cleanse, but close monitoring and doctor supervision should be had during the Master Cleanse.

Note: The contents such as text, graphics, images, and other material on this site are for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified health care provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website!

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